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Rev Makeeda Brooks

Rev. MakeedaB E. Brooks is a native of Boston MA and a daughter of Honduras. Rev.
Brooks completed the Transition-into-Ministry Pastoral Residency (TIMPR) Program at
Charles Street AME Church. After completing the residency program, Rev. Brooks was
appointed by the Rt. Reverend Gregory G. M. Ingram in March 2016 to the pastorate of
John Wesley AME Church in Dover, DE. Rev. Brooks is currently the Pastor of St. John
AME Church, Niagara Falls, NY.
Rev. Brooks answered her call to preach in 2008 and is an Itinerant Elder in the African
Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. Makeeda obtained her Bachelor of Social Work from
Virginia Union University, a Master of Social Work from Wheelock College and a
Master of Divinity with a Certificate in Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Practices from
Andover Newton Theological School.
Rev. Brooks is the visionary/founder of SistaFaith, which is a faith based organization
that consist of women in the faith that empower, mentor, and encourage girls and women
in the Greater Boston Community with a focus on girls who are involved in the juvenile
justice system and Department of Youth Services. Rev Brooks was awarded the Sharing
the Dream Martin Luther King Jr. Award and the Boston Juneteenth Social Justice
Award for the work and ministry of SistaFaith. She has also had the opportunity of
serving as a Young Pastor Leader for several years at the Gathering of Young Pastors
hosted by The Forum of Theological Exploration.
Rev. Brooks is dedicated to advocating and empowering people to reach their full
potential. She has served in a variety of leadership capacities in ministry and community
settings. Rev. Brooks’ favorite scripture is Trust in the LORD with all your heart and
lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3: 5-6) and lives by the motto, “What
really matters in your life is that you make a difference in someone’s life, and that the
difference impacts not only you but everyone around you.”

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