Althea Davis Missionary Society
The Missionary Society is a group of women (and men) dedicated to serving humankind, spiritually
and naturally. Based on belief in Jesus Christ and a desire to be more like Him, they have accepted
the commission He gave to reach those who are lost--the destitute, the downtrodden, the
disenfranchised. Serving the needs of humanity is the duty of the Missionary Society.
Our Society consists of several components:
1. Althea Davis Missionary Society {Women 27 and Older}
2. Sarah Allen Young Women Initiative {Women 27-40 years}
3. Young Peoples Department
Being a member of the Missionary Society affords one an opportunity to help, first in our own
community, but also on a global scale. Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel.”
We might not get to Africa or South America but our dollars can. We might not be able to physically
touch a brother or a sister in a far off land but our prayers can. We might not be able to go abroad
and help build a school or a shelter but our combined efforts with other missionaries can. Know that
your labor will not be in vain.
Some of the many outreach programs of our missions
* Socks, gloves and hats ministry
* Thanksgiving Family Baskets
* Christmas Family Sponsorship
* Sick n' Shut-In Ministry
* Prayer for All